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Finding Gobi : the true story of a little dog and an incredible journey /

Leonard, Dion,

Finding Gobi : the true story of a little dog and an incredible journey / Dion Leonard. - EPub edition. - London Harper Element 2017. - illustrations.

Like A Streecat Named Bob before it, Finding Gobi is a truly heart-warming story for animal lovers worldwide...In 2016, Dion Leonard, a seasoned ultramarathon runner, unexpectedly stumbled across a little stray dog while competing in a gruelling 150 mile race across the Gobi Desert. The lovable pup, who earned the name 'Gobi', proved that what she lacked in size, she more than made up for in heart, as she went step for step with Dion over the treacherous Tian Shan Mountains, managing to keep pace with him for over 100km. As Dion witnessed the incredible determination of this small animal, he felt something change within himself. In the past he had always focused on winning and being the best, but his goal now was simply to make sure that his new friend was safe, nourished and hydrated. Although Dion did not finish first, he felt he had won something far greater and promised to bring Gobi back to the UK for good to become a new addition to his family. Finding Gobi is the ultimate story of hope, of resilience and of friendship, proving once again, that dogs really are 'man's best friend.'

9780008227975 HarperCollins Publishers Ltd

GBB763326 bnb

Leonard, Dion,

Human-animal relationships.
Pet loss--Gobi Desert (Mongolia and China)
Ultra running--Gobi Desert (Mongolia and China)

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