Untitled 1

The Cavalier King Charles spaniel selection, care, nutrition, training, health, breeding, sports and play

The Cavalier King Charles spaniel selection, care, nutrition, training, health, breeding, sports and play About Pets editorial team. - Drouin, Vic. : Landmark Press 2007. - 64 p. col ill, 21 cm.

Chapters on buying, housing, care, feeding, health, and breeding as well as a section with useful addresses of clubs and websites. Key features of the series: * Most affordable books * Packed with hands-on information * Well written by experts * Easy to understand language * Full-colour original photography * Between 70 and 110 photos * All one needs to know to be able to care for one's pet * Trusted authors, veterinary consultants, breed and species experts * Appropriate for first pet owners * Detailed information of interest to pet professionals * Includes useful addresses, veterinary data, and breed standards Many more titles are in preparation in this bestselling series.

9780949449184 (pbk.)


Cavalier King Charles spaniel (dog breed).

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