Untitled 1

English landscapes.

Talbot, Rob.

English landscapes. - London : Greenwich Editions, 2004. - 160 pages

Includes bibliographical references (p. 158) and index.

Map of the counties of England -- North-East -- North-West -- Midlands -- East -- South-East -- South-West -- Selected properties & regional offices.

From Penzance to Penrith, Talbot and Whiteman have explored the country region by region, documenting landmarks and scenery. They have put their unique talents to work to accurately convey the spirit of a place: whether it be the lush landscape, fine architecture and intriguing mythology of Wessex; the high peaks, wild fells, spectacular waterfalls and secluded valleys of the Lake District; or the wooded hills, open heathland and coastal plains of the southern counties.

Rob Talbot's stunning display of landscape photography is perfectly complemented by Robin Whiteman's text which concisely describes every aspect of a region -- from its history, literary and artistic connections, to its geography, geology, architecture, agriculture and local customs.

0862886112 9780862886110 0297834754 9780297834755



England--Description and travel--Guidebooks.

DA600 / .T35 1995

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