Untitled 1

The Kingfisher geography encyclopedia /

Gifford, Clive, 1966-

The Kingfisher geography encyclopedia / Geography encyclopedia [author, Clive Gifford ; consultant, Clive Carpenter]. - Rev. and updated ed. - London : Kingfisher, 2011. - 488 pages; color illustrations, color maps; 29 cm.

Includes index.

Physical earth -- Arctic, North & Central America : Greenland -- Canada -- United States of America -- Bermuda -- Mexico -- Guatemala -- belize -- Honduras -- El Salvador -- Nicaragua -- Costa Rica -- Panama -- Caribbean & South America : Cuba -- Cayman Islands -- Jamaica -- Bahamas -- Turks & Caicos Islands -- Haiti -- Dominican Republic -- Puerto Rico -- Virgin Islands -- St Kitts & Nevis -- Anguilla & Montserrat -- Antigua & Barbuda -- Guadaloupe -- Dominica -- Martinique -- St Lucia -- St Vincent & The Grenadines -- Barbados -- Grenada -- Trinidad & Tobago -- Aruba, Curacao & Sint-Maarten -- Venezuela -- Guyana -- Suriname -- French Guiana -- Colombia -- Ecuador -- Peru -- Bolivia -- Brazil -- Paraguay -- Uruguay -- Chile -- Argentina -- St Helena, Ascension & Tristan da Cunha -- Falkland Islands -- Europe : Norway -- Sweden -- Finland -- Denmark -- Faeroe Islands -- Iceland -- Bristish Isles : Ireland -- United Kingdom -- Belgium -- Luxembourg -- Netherlands -- Germany -- France -- Monaco -- Switzerland -- Austria -- Liechtenstein -- Hungary -- Czech Republic -- Poland -- Slovakia -- Southern Europe, Balkans, Caucasus & Asia Minor : Spain -- Andorra -- Portugal -- Italy -- San Marino -- Vatican City -- Slovenia -- Malta -- Croatia -- Bosnia & herzegovina -- Serbia -- Macedonia -- Montenegro -- Albania -- Kosovo -- Greece -- Estonia -- Latvia -- Lithuania -- Belarus -- Ukraine -- Moldova -- Romania -- Bulgaria -- Russia -- Georgia -- Armenia -- Azerbaijan -- Turkey -- Cyprus -- Asia : Middles East : Syria -- Israel -- Gaza & The West Bank -- Labanon -- Jordan -- Iraq -- Iran -- Saudi Arabia -- Kuwait -- Bahrain -- Qatar -- United Arab Emirates -- Oman -- Yemen -- Kazakhstan -- Uzbekistan -- Turkmenistan -- Tajikistan -- Kyrgyzstan -- Afghanistan -- Pakistan -- India -- Bangladesh -- Nepal -- Bhutan -- Sri Lanka Indian Ocean Islands : Maldives -- Madagascar -- Comoros & Mayotte -- Seychelles -- Reunion -- Mauritius -- Eastern & Southeast Asia : China -- Taiwan -- Mongolia -- North Korea -- South Korea -- Japan -- Thailand -- Myanmar (Burma) -- Vietnam -- Cambodia -- Laos -- Brunei -- Singapore -- Malaysia -- Indonesia -- East Timor -- Philippines -- Africa : Morocco -- Algeria -- Tunisia -- Libya -- Egypt -- Sudan -- Somalia -- Ethiopia -- Eritrea -- Djibouti -- Cape Verde -- Mauritania -- Mali -- Niger -- Senegal -- Gambia -- Guinea-Bissau -- Guinea -- Sierra Leone -- Liberia -- Togo -- Ivory Coast -- Ghana -- Nigeria -- Burkina Faso -- Benin -- Cameroon -- Central African Republic -- Equatorial Guinea -- Sao Tome & principe -- Chad -- Gabon -- Congo -- Democratic Republic of Congo -- Uganda -- Rwanda -- Burundi -- Kenya -- Tanzania -- Malawi -- Zambia -- Angola -- Botswana -- Namibia -- Zimbabwe -- Mozambique -- South Africa -- Swaziland -- Lesotho -- Oceania & Antarctica : Papua New Guinea -- Australia -- New Zealand -- Guam & Northern Marianas -- federated States of Micronesia -- Marshall Islands -- Nauru -- Solomon Islands -- Vanuatu -- New Caledonia -- Kiribati -- Palau -- Tuvalu -- Wallis & Futuna -- Fiji Islands -- Samoa -- Tonga -- American Samoa -- Niue -- Cook Islands -- French Polynesia.

Each country on Earth is unique, and each can be introduced and explained through its physical and human geography. From the densely populated industrial landscapes of western Europe to the icy wastes of Siberia, this book is a passport to every country on the globe. The Kingfisher Geography Encyclopedia is an authoritative, up-to-date guide to countries of the world. 9 yrs+ Geography. Encyclopedia.

9780753430750 0753430754

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Geography--Encyclopedias, Juvenile.


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